Had the opportunity to get over to Hawaii at the end of last month with the family. 13 of us to be exact. We had a great time relaxing at the Manahale Estate. There isn't a ton of things to do on the island which was perfect. We all lead such busy lives, that some time to just sit back and relax was much needed, and very, very nice.
During the 8 days we spent on Moloka'i, I had the chance to get out and get in a couple of runs. Unfortunately...and fortunately, the weather was very hot. Great for soaking up the rays, but not so much for getting out and running. Oh, and it was pretty darn humid too.
From our house, we would make a run down to Dixie Maru beach. This is a small cove at the end of the road near where we were staying. It was a nice 4 mile run. Two out and two back. It was a nice street run and pretty darn scenic.
Here is a shot as I am approaching Dixie Maru. You can see that it is old pavement and not totally well maintained. There isn't much traffic on this end of the island, and in fact, if you do the 4 mile run and actually see a car, consider yourself lucky.
Its a long, hilly, curvy road. It was also quite windy while we were there. The wind was a blowin', and it actually took a little edge off of the humidity and cooled me down nicely.
Here is a shot along the road approaching the estate where we were staying.
On one of the afternoons I was running, it had just finished raining. We had pretty much an unlimited amount of rainbows in most directions.
Here is a shot as I was leaving the beach and looking back at our estate. You can't tell here, but the rainbow was ending right where we were staying. Very beautiful.
Here is one of the meals they made us while visiting. Great Hawaiian Vegan Chili over white rice. Fresh Maui Greens with Maui onions and other fresh toppings. They even made us a batch of vegan Pad Thai, that I thought was absolutely fabulous. To top of the whole meal, they brought out a batch of freshly made vegan chocolate macaroons. Scrumptious!
Mahalo! and Happy Running!
#Molokai #Hawaii #running #vegan